famous dreams - flight 225

Crash of Flight 255 Predicted in a Dream

There are many stories of people having dreams of future events, such as the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and the Sandy Hook school shooting...

Year Book of Dreams

Dream Yearbook

In App Features On January 2, 2016 0 3.2K 0

The Dream Social Yearbook is an app feature that allows you to edit, design, and publish your dreams in a digital and printed book. From...

Why Do I Use Dream Genie?

I use Dream Genie because she reminds me every morning to do a mental check of my previous night’s dreams. My Dream Genie also reminds me to track my...

famous dreams Beatles Yesterday

Beatles Song “Yesterday” was Born in a Dream

Sir Paul McCartney’s biographer, Barry Miles, shared the story about how the tune for the Beatles song “Yesterday” originated. It was 1965. McCartney was at...

dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Almost every one dreams, and the dreaming phenomenon has been around as long as sleep.  People have always wondered what their dreams mean. Philosophers and...